Theatre Battery Presents

Hooded or Being Black for Dummies

By Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm, Directed by Logan Ellis

HOODED was a breakthrough production for Theatre Battery. Speaking to the experience of a black teenage boy within an elite white community, Tearrance’s play explored a world of casual racism, rude humor, and random violence. The production was filled with audience call-and-response, satire, original music, and theatrical repetition in what Tearrance refers to as “Stutter scenes”. After an article from the Seattle Times featured the production (offered with no cost admission through Radical Hospitality), the remainder of the run was filled, with audiences lining up on the street at the Kent Station shopping center to see the show and participate in the memorable talkbacks that followed.

Creative Team: Nicholas Ponting (Secnic Design), Kat Laveaux (Costume Design), Amber Parker (Lighting Design), Lindsey Morck (Sound Design), Armand Hopkins (Original Music), Scott Keva James (Projections Designer), Kait Mahoney (Stage Manager), Regina Victor (Dramaturg), Charles Hawkins and Tiana Ross (Technical Directors), Kathryn Stewart (Casting Director)

Featuring: Anthony Lee Simmons, Mic Montgomery, Miriam BC Tobin, Caitlin Macy-Beckwith, Kathryn Bogley, Jason Sharp, Richard Sean Glen, Andre Brown

Production Photos: Leilani Saper, Click & Tell Photography

Press:  The Seattle Times

Archival footage of this production is available upon request